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Airbus A380 para FSX, o mais novo JUMBO dos ares! **- Vem com vrias texturas, da maioria das companhias que tem ele. **- Misses com o mesmo.. esse a380 da wilco e o melhor a380 que tem concerteza, a aeronave completa com vc detalhado partes moveis e etcs, possui varias texturas a da lufthansa .. FSX Airbus A380. Con nuevas tecnologas caractersticas mejoradas y misiones especficas de FSX Wilco la publicacin trae hoy el A380 a v2 aviones pasajeros .. -FSX Wilco A380 V2 - Retail (B-H)-FSX Wilco CRJ 200-700-900 and all livery's-FSX - Wilco Publishing - 737 Pilot in Command-FSX - Wilco Boeing 777 incl. key .. Description.. Hoje postarei o 737 Pic Wilco mas agora e para o fs2004 este wilco vem com os seguintes modelos 737-300-400-500 da familia clas. FS2004 737 Wilco.. Wilco airbus a380. By. Kevinglover. The wilco a380 v2 has some pretty impressive features,.our first version of fly the airbus a380 has been a bestseller.. This new version of Fly the Airbus A380 features four different models of the A380 super jumbo. Live Now. . No forum topics for Fly the Airbus A380 V2 yet.. With new technologies, improved features, and specific FSX missions, Wilco Publishing brings today the Airbus A380 to Microsoft Flight Simulator X. . Airbus A380 v2.. 5060094402321-D Wilco Flight Simulation / FSX Aircraft. Category Flight Simulation, Subcategory FSX Aircraft, ISBN/Box 5060094402321-D, Series FSX, Publisher Wilco .. Rplica altamente detalhada do Airbus A380 * Apenas Flight Simulator X: animaes conexo jetways. * NOVO: Trs nveis de realismo disponveis .. just a quick one i am trying to import flight plans into my a380 v2 wilco . . I assume the aircraft is capable of importing a standard FS/FSX flightplan.. Labels.. Airbus A380 V2 for FS2004 and FSX Trailer . 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